Follow this CitiTrail with your phone:

Track difficulty: Really easy
Terrain elevation: Flat
Estimated time: 35 minutes (non-stop). 1 hour (stopping for pictures)
Steps: 5200 approx.
Need: A nice coat and glasses to emulate the Matrix movie
The 1999 sci-fi film that changed the way we could see the world was very advanced (and predictive) about how many of us can now think about a reality controlled by super powerful machines. Sydney was the epicentre of this movie that took over the world and we got lucky Julian to show us this CitiTrail.

1: Matrix Government Building
Playing as 'Neo', we decided to take a walk around the City and have a look the Matrix Military Building. Although it is actually where 7 News and Channel Headquarters are, probably Matrix could've been sending a subliminal message that news are in charge of our world (?)

(Movie Referenced)

What do you think? Is a jump up there possible? Probably Neo should check out the terrace and defeat the Matrix agents that still leave amongst us in 2024.

Or probably, not. Not today. We missed some real armour. Next time it be different though.

2: The Crosswalk with Morpheus
The beloved Martin Place with Pitt St cross leading the way into Wynyard and big corporate building is exactly the place where the famous back-crossing of arms took place. Although this wasn't filmed with a Christmas Tree on the back...the resemblance is uncanny!

(Movie Referenced)

At this time nobody is really around to be called for Morpheus attention. Luckily, Neo decided to come back again to have a look...and yes, everything looks just fine. No need to worry.

Wait hold a moment. Is that the Woman in the Red Dress? She is the source of distraction for Neo and this is dangerous for him amongst the Matrix agents. Do take care of yourself when walking around this area.

(Movie Referenced)

Luckily the place remains empty as Neo was tough enough to make everybody go away. This is a moment to appreciate his effort.
3: Vintage Staircases
At No.1 Martin Place (or the well-known Fullerton Hotel), lies one of the most iconic scenes which Neo dares to explore again. Although this is not accessible to the public to step all the way to go up, it remains a visible treasure for those willing to get a sneak pic of it. Don't worry, Neo is still doing his magic at this very own place. He was teleported back from 1999 very briefly.

Quick! We are able to see what he is viewing upstairs. Very nice Ran-Ban VR glasses Neo.

(Movie Referenced)

4: The AWA Tower
This look-alike Eiffel Tower replica which was built by AWA Technology Services as the flagship of Sydney's integration into technology and radio distribution in the early 50's. It became popular again from the helicopter flight scene where Neo was helping Morpheus to not fall off while fighting the unpopular Matrix agents.
We cannot fly Neo this time (due to Fox Studios not approving the flight course this time), however, he remembers it very well and likes to take a peaceful walk now and then - from the ground of course!

What's this! The famous 'dodge the bullet' scene happening right now in front of us. We cannot clearly see a enemy here but Neo is taking this very seriously!

Very seriously indeed...hold on there Neo.

(Movie Referenced)

5: MetaCortex Building
We decided to come to where it all started. Neo's working place at the 'MetaCortex' building. Before everything went downhill with the Matrix, Metacortex was one of the top software companies in the world. Neo's boss would always be angry at him due to punctuality issues. We thought Neo could come in to fix those problems today (late, again though).

Looks like we found the boss. Excuse us for two minutes? We might land a new job soon.

(Movie Referenced)

6: The Red & Blue Pills (proudly at Fishburners)
The 'Red or Blue' pill choice metaphor allow us to choose between two different realities: To live in the unsettling truth, or to remain in the happy state of ignorance.

CitiTrails has come to exist as we've decided to take on the Red Pill. Decided to be awake and show curated trails for everyone wanting to explore around the world. Planning your next city adventure has never been more exciting than by following true community content.
We decided to ignore AI-guided trails (Blue pills!) and provide value to our customers by showing real trails done by real locals. CitiTrails was ideated at Fishburners, where start-ups grow from idea to execution (and beyond 🚀). And these last words shout out a big thank you to our amazing Fishies community. Come check them out!